
Here we present a compendium of knowledge in the form of articles and blogs by Artios, case histories covering completed tasks for existing clients and interesting knowledge from other sources which we have discovered on our journey through the Internet.

Request to use Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

by Andreas Voniatis

Often clients that are large companies, publicly listed or otherwise, have strict protocols which are usually in place to protect the security of those companies and prevent ‘shadow IT’. We’ve…

A SEO Dashboard Reporting and Automation Guide

by Andreas Voniatis

Our guide will cover… What is a dashboard What can a SEO dashboard tell you How do you automate SEO reporting How much does a SEO Reporting system cost We’ve…

A Data Science Guide to Search Intent for SEO

by Andreas Voniatis

We will cover: What is search intent and why does search intent matter for SEO? Problems arising from not understanding search intent Existing software approaches (TF-IDF) A market driven approach…

Try the Search Intent API!

by Andreas Voniatis

Try the Search Intent API! How you can work with the API Correctly format your Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) file (as a .json file with certain categories) Run one…

Machine learning reveals controversial search ranking factors in credit cards sector

by Andreas Voniatis

Artios analysed the top 100 search results in for 100 search phrases picked at random for the Credit Card industry. Their data modelling team analysed more than 170 potential ranking factors.

Getting content marketing insights using machine learning

by Andreas Voniatis

We applied machine learning to Buzzsumo data to learn why content gets shared.

Why SEO agencies really get fired

by Andreas Voniatis

If you want to make it past month 6 with a new client, you need to be transparent and open about your methods, especially with clients of a smaller size.

That’s according to research by Artios, a London-based artificial intelligence search analytics agency, who crunched the numbers and dug out the top reasons businesses part ways with their SEO agencies.

Blind social media study – Least trustworthy, least friendly and most patronising UK politicians revealed

by Andreas Voniatis

A new study conducted by Artios, a London-based artificial intelligence company, has revealed our true feelings about our politicians, by analysing how their social media posts are received when the author’s identity is hidden.

Controversial diet supplement brand Protein World have scored more positively than John Lewis in a blind social media study.

by Andreas Voniatis

We surveyed 1,000 UK adults, who analysed and rated corporate social media content from brands including Airbnb, Protein World, Lloyds Bank and John Lewis, and gave their honest responses.

Bcalm: MedTech Startup SEO + Digital PR

Case History

A data-driven content marketing campaign led to extensive PR coverage, Using AI, we analysed what had been written about panic in the media over the last three years. This gave us some statistically-verified insights that could be used to predict.

Social media blind test – What happens when we don’t know who we’re reading

by Andreas Voniatis

1000 UK adults ‘blind tested’ randomly-selected social media content from popular Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts.

easyProperty PropTech Startup SEO

Case History

Sector: Property Activity: SEO Site: easyProperty The Outcomes The collaboration of the UX, product and marketing teams on the implementation of the SEO

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