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Try Our Content Auditing Tool

by Andreas Voniatis

Artios Content Auditing Tool

Try Our Content Auditing Tool

Help us develop our content auditing tool and we will provide you with the opportunity to evaluate your website content.

In order to optimise your content, we are currently developing a content audit tool.

This tool is aimed at a range of professionals, including:

  • Content Strategists
  • UX designers
  • Information Architects

Enhancing your online content

A content audit tool is used for measuring the quality of your website’s content. This is important for enhancing the performance of your website user engagement. Whilst this can be done manually, our content auditing tool collects data and information in a time efficient manner, thereby streamlining your workload.

Our auditing tool, scans your website and provides you with page-level information about the content. This includes material about your metadata, traffic sources as well as sentiment analysis, readability and mobile UX.

What We Offer

We are offering content strategists the opportunity to evaluate website content for up to 1,000 pages. This can be across different websites. All we ask for is your feedback on what, as a content strategist, you would like from this tool.

Our aim is to create a professional and sophisticated tool that is automated, thereby providing you with accurate and efficient data. This will be facilitated by the learning platform we have developed in-house. However, to maximise this opportunity to its full effect, we would like to hear from you and discover what you would want from a tool like ours.

Follow the link https://surveyplanet.com/560aa6d3d7d68a25726fa607 and complete our eight question survey, which will ask you about your experiences with content auditing tools, what sort of features you would require from such a tool and how you would want your results presented.

All participants in our survey will be entered into our prize draw and be in with the chance of winning a Fitbit.

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